Professional Copywriting Services

Hey there! Welcome to my writing services page. Glad you are here.

You need writing. I write what you need. It’s perfect.

How can I help you?

(note: most of the below open to a new page. Eventually all of them will. Cobbler’s kids and all!)

SEO Website Copywriting

Your website content needs two things to succeed: it needs to convert, and it needs to be SEO friendly. I do both really well. I write clear, engaging web copy that drives business, and I am an expert at writing and structuring pages so Google loves you. And being loved by Google is… lovely.

Polishing What You, Your Assistant, or Chat GPT Wrote

You have something important written. But you’re not really sure if it’s good… scratch that, you know it’s not good enough. Before you put your name on it, give it to me. I’ll make it sing, and get across exactly what you want.

Letter Writing

If you need a great letter, look no further. From business communication to sales pieces to personal statements, I write exceptional letters for all manner of high-leverage situations. I even made the U.S. government change their mind with a letter (no joke). Count on me to get your message across clearly and convincingly.

E-mail Marketing

I know… all the cool kids communicate on P00F, ZaPp, and Kerfuffle (you’re not sure if I made those up, are you?) But the grownups and decision makers still rely on email, and it remains a great way to prospect, market, and sell. Especially to GenX, Millennials, and even Boomers.

Content Marketing / Outside Articles

Some of the most powerful marketing is having evergreen outside articles that are informative and authoritative. Trust me, getting your company into well-respected trade publications with good thought leadership pieces has no equal. This is the kind of content marketing I do.

Writing for the big account you're about to lose and other fun catastrophes.

Oops… the order was late. Again. And that  million-dollar client is looking elsewhere. Or maybe you need damage control for something else. Don’t dig the hole any deeper by saying the wrong thing. Dan to the rescue.

Internal Processes / Sales Scripts / Tech Writing

Are your internal processes still in a binder with nine years of scribbled notes? Or were your sales scripts written by Jeff, who was given that job because he couldn’t sell? Or maybe you have product documentation and instructions that confuse everyone. Let’s fix all that.

Direct Response Landing Pages

This is where you make the big bucks. Done right, direct response landing pages can sell anything: products of all price points, services, a combination of both… if you have the need, I have the words.

Work I Don't Do

While I’m telling you all the wonderful things I do, I feel it’s useful to have a page of things I DON’T do. Let’s have a little good-natured, sarcastic fun with this too.

A Final Word on Services.

Listing specific writing services is somewhat expected on a site like mine, but it’s not always the best marketing.

That’s because companies who offer many different services to many different industries can’t possibly list everything they do. So if they list several things, it can have a detrimental effect, because people will always subconsciously assume you don’t do what you don’t list.

For example, if you sell and service heavy equipment, and you have pictures of backhoes and dump trucks, but no bucket trucks,  people will subconsciously assume you don’t work with bucket trucks, even if you do.

Of course this doesn’t mean some of them won’t contact you and ask about it anyway. Some certainly will. But some won’t too. It’s human nature.

That can be taken to silly extremes, of course. Someone coming here looking for a paragraph for a new soup they are launching next quarter will automatically think I don’t write copy for cans of soup.

But if I say “I write for soup”, then what about the liver? Or the tuna casserole? Or that thing with the squash and beets in it? My late grandmother would be mortified if I left those out. Which brings up another issue – I don’t even like any of those things (sorry Nana!) So yea, let’s not go there. I’d like to write without gagging, please.

Even though I said it’s not great marketing, there is an upside for me – I’m a writer on a writing website, so I can explain this to you like I just did. And I probably made you smile because I mentioned my Nana, while also getting a solid marketing tip in. It’s all good.

Anyway, as long as it’s not listed on my “work I don’t do” page, I probably do it.